Data Augmented Control of Autonomous Systems (DACAS) Group. Our research areas are centred around aerial robotics, nonlinear dynamics, visual navigation and obstacle avoidance, and multi-agent systems.
Our paper titled, "Constant Optical Flow Divergence based Robust Adaptive Control Strategy for Autonomous Vertical Landing of Quadrotors" was accepted at AIAA SciTech
Our paper titled, "A Provably Constrained Neural Control Architecture With Prescribed Performance for Fault-Tolerant Redundant Manipulators" was accepted at IEEE Access
Our paper titled, "Prescribed Performance Control for Solving Time-Varying Underdetermined Linear Systems With Bounds on States and their Derivatives" was accepted at IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Our paper titled, "Finite-Time Formation Convergence of Vision-Based Nonholonomic Systems Without Explicit Communication" was accepted at the IFToMM Asian conference on Mechanism and Machine Science